Adopted by a Barn Kitty

As we passed the garage one evening last week on the way in from closing the chicken coops for the night, Hank turned and laughingly said, "Oh, did you pick up a kitten today?" I heard what he said, but didn't understand the question. I had been to a workshop at a friend's farm but hadn't seen any kittens, and wouldn't have squandered the evening away indoors had I brought a new kitten home and left it in the garage. "What?' I asked, for clarification. He repeated the question, and by now, I was seriously hoping there was a reason he was asking the question. How great would it be if there were a kitten in the garage?! And, indeed, there was! Cutest little whip of a thing! Hanging out right beside Bella, the barn cat who lives in the garage instead of the barn because she doesn't like the other barn cats. They seemed to be getting on fine, and were ready for food. We tossed some kibble in the direction of the wee kitty and he chowed down. He was a bit shy and so we weren't able to hold him or even get a closer look that night. I tried not to get my hopes up that he'd still be there in the morning, but he was, and then next morning, too. He moved into the barn eventually, seeming to like to hide amongst the motorcycles (a true shop cat). I bribed him with milk to get him close enough to pick up, and that's all it took. Lifelong friends, we are now. He is a cute one. There are lots of surprises when you live on a farm and raise animals, and a lot of them are not the good kind. So, when life gives you a kitten out of the blue, it's a real gift!