Meet the Animals

Dogs are a critical piece in raising sheep and other livestock in Kansas, offering protection from intense coyote pressure.

Our sheep are a landrace breed, started from a Dorper, Corsican and Katahdin mix. They are bred to be hardy and well-suited to our location in Kansas. They are 100% grass-fed and finished, raised on the diverse native prairie grasses and forbs that cover our pastures. We do not use antibiotics or wormers or any other medications on the sheep. 

If you are interested in purchasing lamb meat in 2020, please let us know so we reserve enough spots at the processor. Whole lambs and cuts are available. Email or call 785-312-2372.

If you are interested in purchasing live rams or ewes for breeding stock, please contact us directly at

Our Highland cattle are 100% grass-fed and grass-finished on our native prairie pastures. They are raised without antibiotics or other medications or supplements. Highlands mature slowly and produce a wonderfully tender and flavorful meat. We have been slowly growing our herd since 2009, and have eighteen cattle at present. We have recently added a Pineywoods bull to our herd, and are excited to see the results of the cross this year. 


In keeping with our devotion to diversity, we have a wide range of breeds of chickens and ducks. All of our chickens and ducks free-range during the day, foraging on the plants and insects on the farm. We supplement their natural diet with organic feed. In addition to farm-fresh eggs, they provide a lot of entertainment and joy. We currently have duck eggs, and green- and brown-shelled chicken eggs available. 

If you would like to purchase eggs, please contact us at, or 785-312-2372.

Donkeys have an innate aversion to coyotes and so can be a valuable livestock guardian animal when kept with the flock. While actively aggressive towards coyote intruders, they are extremely friendly and gentle towards humans.