Morels - 0; New Calves - 1

Went out looking for morels yesterday morning. It was hot and sunny, and seemed the perfect day for finding morels. I didn't find any morels, but did stumble upon a brand new calf tucked into the dogwoods out by the far pond! Mom was grazing happily, and didn't mind the intrusion. After surveying Rupert and I for a moment, she lay down and got to work chewing her cud. I sat on a log, near the creek, and observed for a few minutes. I don't like to bother anyone, especially moms and babies, but I was pleased that this mom wasn't leary, and it seems to me a good idea to establish an easier bond with our catlle. This calf is likely the first offspring of JB, our Pineywoods bull. We got him from our good friends at Rare Hare Barn after Simon died last winter. It'll be fun to get a better look at this calf and see how much JB we can see in him or her.