What's New

November 15, 2019

We've been busy at Prairie Turnip Farm. October found us celebrating birthdays and graduations, hosting family and friends at the farm, putting the gardens to bed, working our day jobs, trying to find time to make firewood, and selling soap at the Mother Earth News Fair.

January 02, 2019

Greetings from the farm and happy 2019 to you and yours. We rang in the new year in a quiet fashion, heading to bed early to read as the bayberry taper we lit for good luck burned down, waking at midnight to hear fireworks on neighboring farms, wishing each other a Happy New Year and texting the same to kids and relatives in other locations. I've always loved the opportunity for reflection and refocusing that the end of one year and the beginning of a new one offer.

December 23, 2018

The to-do list for the morning hours that I made on my phone at 5:30 am included 1) clean the kitchen, 2) start the laundry, 3) get the duck out of the freezer to thaw, 4) do morning chores, 5) cut a cedar to use for the Christmas tree (while still in coveralls), 6) decorate the tree, 7) wrap presents, and 8) row 14,000m to finish the holiday rowing challenge. What happened was: the first three went off without a hitch, and then things took a definite detour during #4. 

October 23, 2018

Took a hike around the farm one foggy October morning and Sugar's baby took a break from grazing to come over and say hi. She's a precocious one, not unlike her mom, and will likely make a great mom herself one day. 

October 23, 2018

October 10, 2018 - Woot! We got our first green egg today! It's pictured here with a duck egg and one of the first brown eggs from our newest hens. All three eggs were together in a nest the duck made on the floor of the blue coop.

September 30, 2018

It can be hard to find time to fit everything in, so I took advantage of an early wake-up to whip up a batch of soap. It was the charcoal and sea salt bars this morning that we're all loving for the shower and the shop. Scented with tea tree and peppermint essential oils and packed with gently exfoliating activated charcoal and ground sea salt, these bars are a super-refreshing way to start the day, and will cut through the grease and grime from a day in the shop like nobody's business. They're a favorite, for sure. 

September 30, 2018

We got our order of 50 broilers from Murray McMurray Hatchery. They always throw in a couple extra chicks to account for any that don't survive the journey, and it appears they included a mystery chick. It's their practice to add a mystery chick when you order laying hens, and it's typically some fun and slightly exotic breed.

September 30, 2018

The sunflowers are in full-bloom which is a treat that never gets old. 

September 30, 2018

I got to attend a Regenerative Ag workshop in Emporia this week for work.  It was put on by local soil health champion, Gail Fuller, at the request of Green Cover Seed who was hosting a group of South African farmers who were touring the US and visiting farms where soil health and biology are a top priority.

August 31, 2018

As we passed the garage one evening last week on the way in from closing the chicken coops for the night, Hank turned and laughingly said, "Oh, did you pick up a kitten today?" I heard what he said, but didn't understand the question.
